Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Add sound to your website!

I got the sound on my website airplaneguru.angefire.com from the website http://www.freesound.org/. This site is a free project that has all sorts of sound effects for you to download. The only thing is, you have to register and log in to get the sounds. I registered for it, but in the process you have to put in your e-mail address (If you have a blog, you have a Google e-mail address, so you can register if you want). Here is how to put a sound effect on your website with freesound:

(If you don't want to register with freesound.org, the website search.creativecommons.com lets you search for more public domain [not copyrighted] works)

  1. Go to http://www.freesound.org/ and register.

  2. After registering, log in.

  3. Search for a sound effect you would like to put on your website with the search box on freesound.

  4. Click on your selected sound.

  5. Click on the graphic that says "click to download."
  6. You will be redirected to a different page and the sound clip you picked out will play. Copy the URL (website address).
  7. Now go to http://www.angelfire.lycos.com/ and log in to your angelfire website account.(If you don't have an account skip steps 7 and 8)

  8. Go to your Web Shell and click on index.html and click Edit.

  9. Make an "embed" tag between the "head" tags with the attributes width=0, height=0, and src="paste url here". ( This means type "<" then "embed" then width=0 height=0 src="paste url here" then type ">")

  10. Click save and you have a sound effect on your website!


Emily Ann said...

Thanks. I'll need to try that.

Emily Ann said...

Your sister and I just ran through a water sprinkler! Uh huh! Read my blog. Your sister and I are invading it!