Saturday, February 21, 2009

I finished Big Nate Island

I finished Big Nate Island yesterday, and it only took me 40 minutes total to complete it! Here are my Poptropica island ratings:
  1. Spy Island
  2. Superpower Island
  3. Nabooti Island
  4. Big Nate Island
  5. 24 Carrot Island
  6. Time Tangled Island
  7. Shark Tooth Island
  8. Early Poptropica

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The "which project do you like doing best" poll

I saw that the poll ended, and here are the results: In first place was playing outside with 4 votes, and coming in close was reading a book with 3 votes.

Monday, February 16, 2009


I just found out that someone from Maryland, Wisconsin, Massachusetts, and Sydney, Australia visited this site! I signed up for a free website tracker a couple weeks ago called Statcounter and it told me that! It also said that 3 of them looked at my Poptropica post, and 1 of them looked at my HTML strikethrough post.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Big Nate Island is online!

The poptropica game Big Nate Island is online! The race is on - play it now! Big Nate Island is a comic-strip-like game, the first of its kind, so I wonder how good it will be. When I think of poptropica, I think of more of an adventure game.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Breaking Poptropica News - Big Nate Island

Less than 1 minute ago, the Poptropica Creator's blog announced that Big Nate Island will launch tomorrow afternoon! Get ready!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Emergency Landing

Okay, here is my first post that says something about my "name" - airplaneguru. Remember the airplane crash on the Hudson River? Well, here is a game where you play as the pilot emergency landing the plane.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Poptropica is an online group of free, fun quest-like games. Before playing the games (also called islands), you make an avatar and you can save the game as you go along. My favorite island is Spy island. The creators place the islands online as they make them. The newest island is Nabooti Island, and the designers are going to release Big Nate Island soon.

A couple days ago, the creators announced they would release a brand-new island, Astroknights, this spring!

The Poptropica creator's blog is here.

Here is an video introduction to Poptropica:

Here is another new Poptropica tour:

Sunday, February 1, 2009

3-D commercials

I found out that there will be two commercials during the Super Bowl tonight that will be in 3-D (I think they are about lizards)! You need 3-D glasses though to view them correctly, such as the ones that came with this book in a previous post.

I have also heard that 3-D commercials, TV shows, and movies are becoming more and more common.

UPDATE: There were three 3-D commercials one after another last night right after the first half, and our family got out 3-D glasses to see them.